TABOR LIFEWelcome to Tabor Life’s videos selection. Tabor Life is often out and about in the community, giving talks on a wide variety of topics. Watch Father Tom here, and check back frequntly for more videos.
Humanae Vitae at 50 years: On July 25, 1968, the Pope Paul VI issuesd his ground-shaking encyclical Humanae Vitae. 50 years later Paul VI’s writings have proven unsettlingly profitic.
In October of 2018, in Mokena, IL, at St. Mary’s Catholic church, Father Loya gave a one hour talk Mokena, IL, about not just about Humanae Vitae and a whole way of looking at life! Go right HERE to watch this moving talk.
(708) 653-8344
14610 S Will Cook Rd
Homer Glen, IL 60491